Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is Valentine's Day......a day either loved or hated, depending on your romantic situation. I myself am happily married, but I find it increasingly hard to find anything to do on days like this. Normally, we go out to a nice dinner and just enjoy each others company, but I'm not really a flowers & chocolate kind of guy.

So this year, I did something simple and creative.......which to me is more important than just spending money on something.

I ended up making an Origami Heart out of paper, and writing a nice little love letter inside. I then squirted a little cologne into it (like we used to do in elementary school) and folded it back up! It costs nothing, but requires you to actually MAKE something and put a little effort into it.

If you want to make one too for that special someone, here's the same video I used to make mine:

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