Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Finally Hung Out with Mark Mason (from JB Magic)

This week, I had the PLEASURE of sitting down one on one with Mark Mason, the creative genius behind JB Magic.

Now, we have been carrying and selling JB Magic effects for years now, and they have always been great sellers. However, I truly believe some of these have gone under the radar and people don't understand just how AMAZING these really are.

In fact, I was so impressed after hanging out with Mark for a couple of hours that I made a vow to myself: I am going to HIGHLIGHT certain JB Magic effects in this blog. It's going to be great, and it's going to help you guys out in many ways:

1. All the tricks I highlight are going to be EASY to perform. Whether you're an amateur hobbyist or a professional performer, the effects I am going to spotlight are going to be extremely easy to pick up....some even self working!

2. All the tricks will be very hard hitting. Folks, let me tell you.....being the head of one of the largest online magic stores has its advantages....I get my hands on a lot of effects, and even after Mark Mason SHOWED ME THE METHODS, I was still fooled and blown away when I saw him perform them. I want YOU to have that same "wow" moment. I honestly believe that when you see how ingenious some of these effects are, you will want to purchase them and USE them.

Lastly, I must state that I am not a professional magician, but my plan is to dust off my webcam and show you a live performance of these tricks, showing once and for all that if I can do it, ANYONE can do it!

My time is very limited, but I am going to try and pick one JB Magic trick a week and highlight it for you, so that you can see some of the things about it which you might not have ever realized before.

So stay tuned! In the meantime, check out all the JB Magic line and their amazing video demonstrations right here: J.B. MAGIC at MJM Magic

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