Some of you may not know, but MJM Magic is run by a husband & wife team. We have been in business since 2004, and this is our life. Our livelihood. We don't even take vacations.
(Vacation? What is that strange word?!)
When my second daughter was born in 2007, I had to rush back and forth from the hospital every day just to ship out orders.
When my father was dying from cancer in 2019, I was also trying to answer your emails and make sure orders were shipped.
So when problems arise like they do for any business, it REALLY hits us hard because YOU are all we got. Without you, our loyal customer, we have nothing.
Yesterday, I stupidly made a mistake when trying to help a customer. Without getting too technical, I turned a button ON when it should have been OFF, and all hell broke loose.
It caused OUR WEBSITE to be completely unresponsive.
The problem: I didn't realize this button was still turned ON (because I had turned if OFF, and it said it was OFF, but it really wasn't).
Confused yet? So was I!
This issue caused our site to shut down every hour, come back on for 20 minutes, and then repeat the process. All night long. I could NOT figure out what was happening, and no one could buy anything from us.
I lost so much sleep, I feel like the magician in that image above!
I found that pesky button to be the problem, and I destroyed it! Never to return and rear it's ugly head again.
The only thing that makes me feel better about the site being down is to offer EVERYONE a 10% DISCOUNT CODE to make things right!
The discount code is: BACKONLINE
This helps for anyone who wanted to buy something in the last 18 hours but wasn't able to.
It's a one-time use coupon, so make it count. And it expires on Sunday night at 11:59pm, so you only have today and Sunday to use it. It doesn't apply to any orders prior to this announcement.
We recommend you create or log into your regular MJM Magic account if you want to use it, since it may not work with a Guest (anonymous) account.
Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for being a customer of ours. These roller coaster rides of being a business owner can be very stressful, but we are blessed to have been in business for over 20 years and still seeing new customers coming all the time!
Your friend in magic,
- Jeff and Brandi @ MJM Magic
A man was holding a sign that said "Free Hugs". I tried to hug him, but he punched me in the face.
Turns out, "Hugs" was his cousin who didnt make parole.