Friday, March 07, 2025

Website WAS down (not anymore) , so here's a 10% DISCOUNT!




Some of you may not know, but MJM Magic is run by a husband & wife team.   We have been in business since 2004, and this is our life.   Our livelihood.   We don't even take vacations. 

(Vacation?  What is that strange word?!)

When my second daughter was born in 2007, I had to rush back and forth from the hospital every day just to ship out orders.   

When my father was dying from cancer in 2019, I was also trying to answer your emails and make sure orders were shipped.

So when problems arise like they do for any business, it REALLY hits us hard because YOU are all we got.  Without you, our loyal customer, we have nothing.

Yesterday, I stupidly made a mistake when trying to help a customer.   Without getting too technical, I turned a button ON when it should have been OFF, and all hell broke loose.  

It caused OUR WEBSITE to be completely unresponsive.

The problem: I didn't realize this button was still turned ON (because I had turned if OFF, and it said it was OFF, but it really wasn't). 

Confused yet?  So was I!  

This issue caused our site to shut down every hour, come back on for 20 minutes, and then repeat the process.   All night long.   I could NOT figure out what was happening, and no one could buy anything from us.

I lost so much sleep, I feel like the magician in that image above!


I found that pesky button to be the problem, and I destroyed it!    Never to return and rear it's ugly head again.

The only thing that makes me feel better about the site being down is to offer EVERYONE a 10% DISCOUNT CODE to make things right!

The discount code is: BACKONLINE

This helps for anyone who wanted to buy something in the last 18 hours but wasn't able to.

It's a one-time use coupon, so make it count.  And it expires on Sunday night at 11:59pm, so you only have today and Sunday to use it.   It doesn't apply to any orders prior to this announcement.

We recommend you create or log into your regular MJM Magic account if you want to use it, since it may not work with a Guest (anonymous) account.

Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for being a customer of ours.   These roller coaster rides of being a business owner can be very stressful, but we are blessed to have been in business for over 20 years and still seeing new customers coming all the time!

Your friend in magic,

- Jeff and Brandi  @ MJM Magic



A man was holding a sign that said "Free Hugs". I tried to hug him, but he punched me in the face.

Turns out, "Hugs" was his cousin who didnt make parole.


Thursday, March 06, 2025

"FLUX has my highest recommendation." - Cyril


99% Sean Heydon, 90% David Penn  - Wizard Magic Review

FLUX 2.0

It's one of the coolest effects we have ever seen!

10 years ago, FLUX was released and was an INSTANT bestseller!

Now it's back (2.0 version) and it's better than ever!

First, what is FLUX?  It's probably the best moving ink effect you'll ever perform.   A spectator chooses a card, and you (the magician) are unsuccessful at finding it.

But with a few random ink marks made by the spectator, they morph and transform into the name of the card that they chose!

You are then free to give away that card if you want!


So what makes the 2.0 better? For starters, it’s actually available now (after being gone for so many years).

But this really is more than just a straight re-release. The original only came with one reveal card, and it was always the same card. Now with this 2.0 version, you get two different reveal cards!

And now, those cards are easier to hand out as souvenirs as you’re given 20 of each. And we already have those refills in stock (click here for refills)!

This release also comes with Trick Trick Boom’s Dead Sharpie System, which they value at $40.

Flux 2.0 is suitable for beginners, powerful enough for professionals, and is situated at an affordable price point of $50.50 retail.   That means FREE USA SHIPPING on any order that includes this item!



 "It's a miracle!"— Asi Wind

Name Dropper

"You won't be able to follow this with anything else. It's that powerful." — Asi Wind

A practical, hard-hitting effect that gives every audience a personalized experience they’ll never forget.

With “Name Dropper” by John Graham, you not only perfectly divine a chosen card, but also a freely thought-of person’s name. Everything is done in a fair and impossible way that will leave them stunned.


"Name Dropper" is John Graham’s exceptional, streamlined handling of Paul Harris’s iconic “Deep Astonishment”. It is being released with full permission from Paul, who praises John for the work he’s done to make this effect more commercial for the walkaround professional or hobbyist performer.

  •     Easy to do
  •     No sleight of hand
  •     No magnets
  •     No gimmicked wallet
  •     No extra cards in the final display
  •     No palming
  •     No pre-show
  •     No longer limited to four letter names

This is the first time that “Name Dropper” has ever been available as a complete, ready-to-go package. You’ll get the custom deck of cards, as well as the beautiful leather packet wallet that holds your prediction.




There was a man from the Caribbean with chronic pain who worked as a cook at a breakfast place in South Carolina.

It was the only place you could go to see an achin’ Jamaican in Aiken makin’ bacon!


Wednesday, March 05, 2025

People have literally CRIED over this trick!


"What starts as a card trick ends with a powerful (and UNEXPECTED) climax!"

Name Dropper

The magical trick that is DIFFERENT every time you perform it!

Name DropperWe are super excited to introduce NAME DROPPER to you!  In fact, it has brought people to TEARS more often than nought.

There are so many special moments with this effect, but as a final climax, your deck will actually REVEAL the NAME of someone special to your spectator!


This effect is so great on so many levels:

1.  It hits hard!   People have actually gotten pretty emotional when they see the name of their loved one predicted by you ahead of time.

2.  It RESETS INSTANTLY!!   If you are a table hopper, you are ready to perform again as soon as the trick is done.

3.  It works with 99.9% of the names out there!  

4.  The method is CLEVER!  The instructional video shows you how to quickly master the handling!

5.  AFFORDABLE!   At under $35.00, you can easily purchase this and make it one of your all star effects in your lineup!

Trust us when we say, NAME DROPPER is a winner!   People love prediction effects, but NO ONE can possibly comprehend how you predicted the name of their loved one.



"THESE two tricks nominated for TRICK OF THE YEAR in 2024!"

Stich and Liquify

Shop the Red Carpet of Magic

It's award season in the magic world, so we're starting to see nominations roll out for trick of the year. Our awesome studio team produced two tricks in 2024 that made one of these coveted lists: Stitch by Titanas and Liquify by Tobias Dostal


Stitch is in the running for parlor trick of the year. In this beautifully macabre effect, two blades pierce your finger, and the digit is visually severed. Then your finger is magically reattached, with not even a scar remaining. All props can be handed out for inspection



Liquify was nominated for close-up trick of the year. Oozing imagination, this effect allows you to turn any solid object into liquid, and then turn that liquid into a ring!


Liquify and Stitch are both available here!



I used to date a woman that had a parrot.

That thing never shut up.

The parrot was cool though...


Tuesday, March 04, 2025

"Perform 85 of Michael Ammar's Best Tricks!"


"85 Tricks In One!"

Ammar Trilogy

Magic kits have a bad rap. For far too long, they've been filled with cheap tricks that don't hold up to any scrutiny. This magic kit is the farthest thing from a cheap toy that you'll find. 

Within the Ammar Trilogy set, you'll find the props and teachings necessary to perform 85 mind-melting effects. In Michael Ammar, you'll find the most knowledgeable and patient teacher in magic.


Michael goes far beyond the technical methods and gimmicks, and dives deep into the psychology and details that make your audience feel they have seen real magic!



Predict any named card directly from a series of envelopes

Binary Prediction


Your spectator names a card.   Free choice.   And in less than 5 seconds, you remove THAT CARD from a series of nested envelopes!


This effect has been in Nathaniel Segal's professional act for over 10 years!   It's that powerful, and super easy to learn.

In fact, you can modify the effect to suit many applications.   Meaning, you don't have to use cards.   You could have any sort of prediction be revealed inside the envelopes due to the many outs it provides to you!


MJM Magic is down to our last 6, and we're one of the only places in the world to get this.



FREE MJM MAGIC BONUS: When you purchase this effect, we will give you a minimum 2.5% AUTOMATIC DISCOUNT that will apply to all your future orders for the next 30 days!  Simply purchase this item, and anything else you buy afterwards (for 30 days) will come with an automatic discount (2.5% off or more)! 



The End is Nigh (and it's the Best Book Test You've Ever Seen)

The End

Live happily ever after with THE END.

We know that you have a lot of options when it comes to book tests, so when we set out to make one with Angelo Carbone, we knew it had to be special. 

The End product (some pun intended), is a book test like no other. You'll receive a completely original, readable novel that just happens to conceal the greatest book test ever put to paper. 


Angelo's unique approach provides a mindreading experience that completely eliminates the feeling of fishing. Even if your initial guess does miss, The End turns it into a hit. 100% of the time. 

Combine that with one-of-a-kind phonetic memory system that makes memorizing your word bank as simple as can be, and you'll never want to open another book test again.




Outside of a dog, a book is mans best fried...

Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

LOW STOCK ALERT: Atomic Deck by Craig Petty


"The best ACAAN of our lifetime!"

Atomic Deck

Atomic Deck Exploded Into the World

It's been less than a week since we began shipping, Craig Petty's Atomic Deck to the world, and the response from you all has been overwhelming. 

Six days into its life, we now have less than 10% of our initial stock left! First and foremost, thank you! 

A spectator can think of ANY CARD, and ANY NUMBER, and without shuffling, and without sleight of hand, you deal down EXACTLY to their card at their number!  Instantly repeatable!


Given the popularity of this effect, we wanted to keep you as informed as possible. We're almost certainly going to sell out within the next few weeks.   We anticipate selling out very soon. After that, we have a minimum restock time of three months, but it will likely be closer to four

That means if you don't get it while we have it, you may not get a chance until closer to summer.

If you have yet to stock up on this year's biggest trick, then now is absolutely the right time. Click the link below to secure your units before they're all gone!



Daryl Presents a Spotless Dice Trick

Dicey Dots

These dots won't stay still

Paddle tricks are simultaneously some of the easiest and some of the most baffling effects in magic. Unless you're willing to spend money on an expensive gimmick, you never get to end clean. Unless, that is, you pick up Dicey Dots. 

Leave it to Daryl to figure out an organic plot for a paddle trick, where you get to visually change two items! 

You start with a white plastic stick and a normal die. The stick, or "spot remover" is blank on all sides. You give the die to a spectator and have them close their hand around it. You wave the spot remover above their hand and suddenly, 21 black spots appear on it. Your spectator opens their hand to reveal that those were the same 21 spots from the die, as they are now holding a blank white cube. Then, everything can be handed out for inspection. 


Daryl's boundless innovation and top-notch instruction push what could be a one-note effect into the upper echelon. Beginner or advanced alike, you're sure to have a blast showing off Dicey Dots

At only $15.00, this is a surefire winner that you'll carry in your pocket at all times!



Spidey Takes You to Class with this Mentalist's Dream Come True


It's as easy as... well, you get it.

After years of using a standard deck of cards to perform feats of mentalism, Spidey got tired of using a tool that was better suited for magicians. He needed something that could establish an emotional connection, giving him more to read from his spectators. For the solution, he went all the way back to kindergarten. 

A.B.See is a deck of flash cards, equally suitable for teaching children the alphabet as it is blowing the minds of your spectators. No matter which card a spectator selects, you will always know. And the childlike theming gives you a perfect starting point. Choosing a club instead of a diamond tells you a lot less about a person than choosing a horse over a volcano does. The latter gives the mentalist a lot more to work with.


Once you've divined their chosen card, you can then reveal it in any way you see fit. But, with over 2 hours of instructions, Spidey makes sure that you have some jumping off points. Whether you prefer to do a cold reading, a drawing duplication, or anything else, A.B.See is right for you! 




A Chinese doctor can't find a job in a U.S. Hospital, so he opens his own clinic and puts a sign outside that says: 'GET TREATMENT FOR $20 - IF NOT CURED, GET BACK $100.'

An American lawyer thinks this is a great opportunity to earn $100 and goes to the clinic.

Lawyer: "I have lost my sense of taste."

Doctor: "Nurse, bring medicine from box number 22 and put 3 drops in patient's mouth."

Lawyer (after taking the drops): "Ugh. This isn't's kerosene!"

Doctor: "Congrats, your sense of taste is restored. You owe me $20."  

Knowing that the doctor was technically correct, the lawyer reluctantly paid him and left feeling dejected.

A few days later, the annoyed lawyer goes back to try and recover his money.

Lawyer: "Hey Doc, I think I've lost my memory. I cannot remember anything."

Doctor: "Nurse, bring medicine from box number 22 and put 3 drops in his mouth."

Lawyer (feeling confident): "Ah HA!   Nice try, Doc.......that is kerosene. You gave this to me last time for restoring my taste!"

Doctor: "Congratulations. You got your memory back. That will be $20."

The fuming lawyer cannot believe it, but reluctantly pays him.    He then comes back a week later determined to get back $100.

Lawyer: "Hey Doc.....My eyesight has become very weak.   I can't see at all."

Doctor: "Well, I don't have any medicine for that, so take this $100."

Lawyer (staring at the banknote): "But this is a $20 bill, not $100!!"

Doctor: "Congrats, your eyesight is restored. Give me $20."


Monday, February 24, 2025

An Entire Deck Changes Color In Front of Your Eyes!



Strangers Gallery

A color changing deck you have to see to believe

Not long after Zack Morris first picked up his giant cell phone, John Bannon revealed a trick that would become a staple of card magic for decades to come: Strangers Gallery


His color changing deck routine is just as powerful as ever, and now it has the update it deserves.

Strangers Gallery 2.0 features the same basic plot. You pull three prediction cards out of a red-backed deck. Then, your spectator selects a card. Say, the 3 of Clubs. One by one, you reveal the identity of all three of your predictions cards. Each is  the 3 of Clubs

This begs the question, "Why do you have four 3's Clubs in your deck?" The answer is, you don't. Taking each card, you show they must have come from different decks, as their backs change from red to yellow, green, and black. But you end on a bigger mystery, as none of those cards could have come from your deck. You spread the cards revealing none of them match any of the back designs

This new version comes with updated cards, giving the whole effect a premium feeling, as well as brand-new instructions, where you'll learn all the sleights to be able to make this look like real magic.



This Nickel Vanishes Into Thin Air

Vanishing Nickel

This is one fickle nickel

Vanishing Nickel is a deceptively simple piece of visual coin magic. You display a nickel in your hand, close your fist around it, and when you reopen it, the coin has disappeared. You show both sides of your hand, and the nickel still remains elusive. Then, you close your fist once more, and when you open it the coin has returned


There are no complicated moves to master, so you get access to TV-quality magic at any skill level. You won't be limited to performance settings either. Vanishing Nickel plays just as well whether you're in your living room or on stage.



Masterclass in Cube Magic

Cube 3

No gimmicks. No limitations.

Behind cards and coins, Rubik's cubes might be the most popular magic prop. And it's easy to see why. Their perceived difficulty to solve paired with the bright colors make for incredibly visual reveals, and the man who has spent the most time learning their secrets is Steven Brundage

Brundage's cube magic has graced the stage of AGT and fooled Penn and Teller, but now it's coming to you.

Cube 3 is a collection of Steven's 6 most powerful solves, all performed with an ungimmicked cube. 


You can master the Imagination, Toss Up, Behind-the-Back, Bag, Instant, and Color Change solve!

If you've never touched a Rubik's Cube before, you'll start this project with a complete lesson that will prepare you for the amazing magic you'll get to perform. If you're a Rubik's Pro, then this is still the most comprehensive collection of cube magic available.




On hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95 year old grandmother and comfort her.

When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning."

Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that two people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble.

"Oh no, my dear, " replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong."

She paused, wiped away a tear and then continued, "And if that damned ice cream truck hadn't come along, he'd still be alive today!"


Friday, February 21, 2025

FREEBIE FRIDAY! X-RAY PEEK by Michel FREE with orders over $60.00!


"The EDC peek for any mentalist!"


It's Friday, and that means we are giving away another FREE ITEM!  #FreebieFriday

PicSpend only $60.00 bucks on ANYTHING on our website and we will automatically throw in X-RAY PEEK by Michel  absolutely free!

Here's what happens:

The spectator writes any secret information on a card. You wrap the card with a sheet of aluminum foil, and you instantly peek at the info. A complete peek right in front of the spectator's eyes! The spectator can even hold the aluminum packet and check that you can't see anything through it! This is X-Ray Peek, a natural, impossible, lab-condition way to secretly peek at any information. Say farewell to your traditional peek wallet; this is flat, lightweight, innocent looking and very deceptive. The ideal EDC peek for any mentalist!



That means it only goes to the next 12 qualifying customers!   After that, the freebie won't be included.  

(So if you place an order and don't see the freebie automatically included, then sorry, that means you missed out.)

As always, we ask that only one freebie goes to one customer (so placing multiple orders will only get you one).   That way, we share the love and make sure everyone has a chance to get one from the supply.

This cannot apply to any orders placed prior to Friday February 21st.


Is This the Best $10 Card Trick Ever?

Australian Aces

Thunder from Down Under!!

Who doesn't love a monte routine? These devious packet tricks can be carried with you anywhere, are super visual, and can be learned in minutes. We joined forces with Nick Trost to deliver the ultimate monte experience. This is Australian Aces

You start with four Aces: three Aces of Diamonds and one Ace of Clubs. The spectator wins if they can follow the black Ace. You take one Ace of Diamonds, and set it face down on the table. Giving the rest of that packet a shuffle, you ask them to determine which is the Club. No matter which of the three they pick, they'll be wrong as it has now switched place with the Ace of Diamonds you set down! 

You repeat the effect, this time with slow deliberate moves, and again the card teleports to the table

Finally, you repeat the routine one more time. This time, they point to the card on the table as the black Ace, except this time, it's the only red Ace left! All the cards in your hands have turned into Aces of Clubs!


Australian Aces builds on standard monte routines and adds an amazing visual ending. Oh, and did we mention it's only $10? This is the best value in card magic by a landslide!




A wife says to her husband, "If I died in a foreign city, say, Jerusalem, and it cost $30,000 to send me back home or $500 to bury me there, which would you choose?”

The husband replies, “I'd pay the $30,000 to ship you back.”

The wife, happy but surprised with his answer, asks, "Really? Why would you choose $30,000 over $500?”

The husband explains, “Because two thousand years ago in Jerusalem, a man died and rose from the dead 3 days later. I can’t take that chance.”


Thursday, February 20, 2025

"I’ve seen just about everything and THIS fooled me."


"His system is so clean, so direct, and so amazing that you won’t quite believe it." - Jim Steinmeyer

Binary Prediction

A great card trick without being a card trick!

When you get a magic legend like Jim Steinmeyer endorsing your product, then you KNOW that it's a winner.

Created by Nathaniel Segal (from Penn & Teller's FOOL US) and presented by Andy Amyx:

Binary Prediction packs small but plays to large audiences!

A HUGE PAYOFF under impossible conditions.

You have a spectator think of a number.   You have another spectator think of a suit.  Completely random, and no way you (or even they) could know what the other is merely thinking.

The two spectators reveal their thought of selection, which creates a completely RANDOM CARD.   (For example, the first person may have thought of the number 7, and the second spectator thought of diamonds, etc).

You then QUICKLY open an envelope and pull out ANOTHER envelope.  Inside of that, you quickly pull out ANOTHER envelope.  Inside of that, you quickly pull out ANOTHER envelope.   They keep getting smaller and smaller, moving FAST with no time for manipulation!

Until FINALLY, you pull out one single card from the last envelope, and it's a perfect match to the randomly thought of card: the 7 of Diamonds!


Nathaniel has been performing this exact same effect for OVER 10 YEARS in his act.  It's a tried and true worker that pays for itself!

  • Predict any named card directly from a series of envelopes. 
  • This packs flat, plays big and works for just about any audience. 
  • Fun to perform and easy to learn. 
  • Customizable so you can predict any number of items.

The craftsmanship on this is second-to-none, and only a LIMITED SUPPLY was produced.   In fact, we are down to only SIX UNITS remaining.

  • Buy this today and get FREE USA SHIPPING on your order!
  • Anyone who buys this will ALSO RECEIVE at least a 2.5% discount on all your subsequent orders for the next 30 days!




Atomic Deck

This is what everyone was talking about at Blackpool (the largest magic convention in the world)!


With The Atomic Deck, here is exactly what happens. Every. Single. Time.

1. The Magician places the deck on the table.  He will not touch it again until the end.

2. Everyone is asked to think of any card. And any number. No forces.

3. The audience doubles down by making sure that they avoid commonly selected cards and numbers.

4. They can change their mind as many times as they wish.

5. Once everyone is satisfied that their choices were uninfluenced and fair, the magician slowly and clearly picks up the deck, eyes burning their every micro-movement.

Without any sleight of hand, without any fidgeting around, they begin dealing slowly and deliberately......dealing cards, one by one until the number is reached...

The magician turns the card over at the thought of position, and it is the exact card they were merely thinking of.

Trust us when we say, we were COMPLETELY FOOLED by this new principle in magic.   Not just us, but countless professionals have NO IDEA how it works, every time!


It's already in the #1 bestseller spot after 24 hours.  We have them in stock and ready to ship, but we expect them to sell out quickly.




My friend had a surgery to transition from a man into a woman. 

Curious about the process, I asked, "Of all the things they had to cut, what hurt the most?"

"The salary," they said.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

"The cleanest ACAAN you've ever seen!" + $1,000 Shopping Spree Ticket


"Included with purchase: a chance to win $1,000.00 SHOPPING SPREE and more!"

Atomic Deck

Any Card. At Any Number. The Holy Grail of all Magic... has been solved.

With The Atomic Deck, here is exactly what happens. Every. Single. Time.

The Magician places the deck openly on the table. Everyone is asked to think of any card. And any number. No forces.

The audience doubles down by making sure that they avoid commonly selected cards and numbers. They can change their mind as many times as they wish.

Once everyone is satisfied that their choices were uninfluenced and fair, the magician slowly and clearly picks up the deck, eyes burning their every mico-movement. They begin dealing slowly and deliberately dealing cards, one by one until the number is reached... The magician turns the card over, and it is the exact card they were merely thinking of.


Here are some of the reasons why you're going to LOVE the Atomic Deck:

  • No memorization work.
  • No sleight of hand.
  • Easy to do.
  • They don't even have to tell you their card or number.
  • The cards are never cut, passed, or in any way.
  • The deck is in full view the entire time.
  • The cards can be dealt into the participants hands.
  • No roughing sprays.




Shopping SpreeEvery single Atomic Deck will be shipped with a Golden Ticket.  Instead of a magical chocolate factory, this ticket will take you to the heart of magic itself: The Murphy's Magic Headquarters!

Whoever finds the lucky package will be flown out to California, put up in a hotel, and treated to a $1,000 shopping spree in our supplier warehouse! To help guide your purchases, you'll have the expert eye of Craig Petty with you

Craig will be here filming a new project with us, and after your shopping spree, you'll get to hang out with Craig and the Murphy's Studio team, giving you exclusive behind-the-scenes access!


In addition to our Golden Ticket winner, there will also be 5 Silver Tickets sent out in unassuming packages of Atomic Deck

These Silver Ticketholders will be given a bundle of Craig's other releases, worth $300 in retail. He will also be hosting an exclusive jam session with these winners, where he'll teach you how to combine some of his best effects into one big act!


Of course!  For ANYONE who buys the Atomic Deck from us at MJM Magic in the next few weeks, we have something special planned for you!

On March 18th, Craig Petty, Lloyd Barnes, and Peter Turner will be hosting a live jam, where they will be talking all things ACAAN. The three of them have produced some of the most respected methods for this effect since Berglas, so don't miss out on this chance. 

This jam will only be available live, so make sure you have your Atomic Deck in hand before March 18th




A Kung Fu student asks his teacher, "Master, why does my ability not improve? I'm always defeated." 

And the master, pensive and forever patient, answers, "My dear pupil, have you seen the gulls flying by the setting sun and their wings seeming like flames?"

"Yes, my master, I have."

"And a waterfall, spilling mightily over the stones without taking anything out of its proper place?"

"Yes, my master, I have witnessed it."

"And the moon, when it touches the calm water to reflect all its enormous beauty?"

"Yes, my master, I have also seen this marvelous phenomenon."

"That is the problem. You keep watching all this crap instead of training."


Friday, February 14, 2025

NEW - "The ultimate secret weapon for magicians is here!"


"This will immediately enhance any effect you do!"

Universal Smoke Watch

Gone are the days of having a special watch to produce smoke.

When you think of João Miranda, you think of one of the BEST creators of high-tech magic that's highly sought after by magicians worldwide.

He has just created the most innovative and reliable SMOKE devices we have ever seen.


Producing smoke from your hands used to be a real hassle:

1.  It used to require you to be hooked up to tubes that ran underneath your clothing.

2.  It used to require special liquids that you had to purchase online.

3.  It used to require a lot of skill to use it.


The "Universal Smoke Watch" is a tiny, discreet device that allows you to enhance any magic moment in any routine instantly, with no skill needed at all.

It's so small, it comfortably fits under nearly any watch you already have. You can trigger the smoke from the device itself, or from a remote with a massive five meter range. There's even a customizable delay mode that allows you to operate it seemingly hands-free.

And check this out: it comes ready to go out of the box and runs on harmless vegetable glycerin you can get for pennies online or in grocery stores.


FREE MJM MAGIC BONUS: Whenever anyone purchases this effect through our link above, you will earn  a minimum 5% AUTOMATIC DISCOUNT that will apply to all your future orders for the next 30 days!  Simply purchase this item, and then anything else you buy afterwards (for 30 days) will come with an automatic discount (5% off or more)!   See this link for details!


Enter the 4th Dimension with Daryl

Hyper Bent Elation

Daryl, the magician's magician, invites you to take a step into uncharted territory. Into a world where our laws of physics don't apply. The 4th dimension. 

This is the plot to Hyper Bent Elation. A masterful card trick that leaves your spectator with a truly impossible souvenir. 

They sign their name on the front and back of two cards. You take those cards and line them up, making a few important cuts with a pair of scissors. Little do they realize, you're actually cutting through our reality.

The two cards are now intertwined like a puzzle. Once separated, you see the impossible has happened: the back of one card has now switched place with the front of the other. Your spectator is left holding one card with two backs and one card with to faces. Two cards that they signed! 

This is one of the finest workings of Daryl's astounding imagination. Using very little sleights, you're able to truly transport your audience to another plane of existence.




For the past 27 years I've received a Valentines card from the same secret admirer. So I was pretty upset when I didn't get one this year.

First my granny dies and now this.


"The best SHADOW MAGIC since Peter Pan!!"


Become one with the shadows


We don't try to hide our love of Tobias Dostal's magic. His personal brand of magic is synonymous with creativity, and his effects often warp the fabric of reality

In Silhouette, you gain the ability to put on the most interactive shadow puppet show of all time! Just shine your smartphone light onto your hand, and watch the magic unfold. Shadows appear with no source to cast them. Your shadow can interact with others, and the shadows can interact with you


With this groundbreaking effect, you get 12 different shadows to manipulate and 12 routines to get started. Silhouette is a trick that will only improve as you continue to play with it. Your imagination will run wild once you get your hands on this gimmick. 

Silhouette features an instant reset, and can be done with a borrowed phone, making this one of the cleanest effects in magic. 



You won't believe your eyes!


Cause an entire deck to go BLURRY, except for their card!

After blowing the collective minds of the magic industry in 2021, with the original Blur, mad geniuses Mathieu Bich and Garrett Thomas bring this modern classic back on official Bicycle cardstock

If you're not familiar with Blur, it's one of the most inventive gaffed decks of all time, as it manipulates your spectator's vision! 

An audience member selects a card from a normal-looking pack of cards, and it is lost in the deck. When you spread the cards, you reveal that their card alone has become blurry. Likewise you can show that every single card apart from theirs is now out of focus! 


With nearly 3 hours of instructions, though, you'll learn how to do so much more. Mathieu and Garrett are two of the most creative magicians alive and have worked together to generate more than 12 routines ranging in difficulty from beginner to advanced.



Overstock Sale

Here are 15 additional items that we just added to our permanent Overstock Sale!  Get 40% off or more on these items (but only for the in-stock quantity listed below):


1. Mindbogglers vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Mindbogglers vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD (Only 2 left!)
Was: 29.95 Now: $17.97 - Finally, a complete explanation of the world's best swindles from the only grifter claiming to be a magician, belly dancer, floor gambler, frogwipe salesman, former racecar driver, brain surgeon and denture wearer - Dan Harlan! Mr. Harlan has spent over 50 of his 35 years of life learning,...... more info
2. Michael Finney: Live at Lake Tahoe - Volume 3 - The Secrets - DVD Michael Finney: Live at Lake Tahoe - Volume 3 - The Secrets - DVD (Only 1 left!)
Was: 29.95 Now: $17.97 - Michael Finney's magic and comedy have taken him around the world. Comedy clubs, corporate functions, network TV-you name it, he's done it, including an appearance at the recent Presidential Inaugural galas. He has been nominated for Magician of the Year, received the Silver Lion Head award...... more info
3. Fernando Keops - Volume 2 - Gambling Effects Fernando Keops - Volume 2 - Gambling Effects (Only 1 left!)
Was: 29.95 Now: $17.97 - Fernando Keops - Volume 2 - Gambling Effects In this video, you’ll see the esoteric skills of the card cheat used to accomplish effects that truly appear to be miracles. There’s a great difference between card tricks and card magic, and what Fernando Keops performs in this exceptional...... more info
4. Magic Of Mark Leveridge Vol.3 General Magic by Mark Leveridge - DVD Magic Of Mark Leveridge Vol.3 General Magic by Mark Leveridge - DVD (Only 15 left!)
Was: 29.95 Now: $17.97 - For 25 years, Mark Leveridge has been a professional magician earning his living by performing, lecturing and selling his exclusive creations to the magic world through his business, Mark Leveridge Magic. Every single year during that time, Mark has produced a range of new, original ideas and...... more info
5. Extreme Card Magic Volume 1 by Joe Rindfleisch - DVD Extreme Card Magic Volume 1 by Joe Rindfleisch - DVD (Only 6 left!)
Was: 29.95 Now: $17.97 - And now to complete the Rindfleisch series, a Brand New 2-Volume Set Joe Rindfleisch's Extreme CARD Magic - Card magic . . . with the emphasis on MAGIC! There are card tricks . . . you know the ones - the pick-a-card-any-card affairs that are usually boring to perform and even more so to watch....... more info
6. Mamma Mia Magic by Aldo Colombini Mamma Mia Magic by Aldo Colombini (Only 2 left!)
Was: 29.95 Now: $17.97 - Mamma Mia Magic - cards and coins with that "Italiam" style! Mamma-Mia! Thatsa Spicy Magic! Welcome to a bravura performance and teaching session with the master of MammaMia Magic, Aldo Colombini . Aldo serves up a heaping helping of top-notch magic for beginners, professionals and...... more info
7. O.D. (Optical Delusion) by Aaron Paterson - DVD O.D. (Optical Delusion) by Aaron Paterson - DVD (Only 1 left!)
Was: 35.00 Now: $21.00 - From the creator of Icarus Effect comes this thought provoking, imagination capturing endeavor that will change the way your audience perceives you. Aaron Paterson has once again released one of his most closely guarded secrets to the magic world. Imagine this... A spectator's business card is...... more info
8. The Other Side Of Illusion Volume 2 by Henry Evans - DVD The Other Side Of Illusion Volume 2 by Henry Evans - DVD (Only 1 left!)
Was: 29.95 Now: $17.97 - FISM award-winner Henry Evans is back to take you on a guided tour to the other side of illusion - where the impossible becomes possible and wonderful, surprising and often humorous things happen. If you enjoyed his last critically-acclaimed DVD offering, Something More Than An Illusion, you've...... more info
9. Entity by Jeremy Hanrahan - (Blue Back) - Trick Entity by Jeremy Hanrahan - (Blue Back) - Trick (Only 48 left!)
Was: 34.95 Now: $20.97 - We all have a preconceived notion of what “Real Magic” would look like; Entity was created with that in mind. Entity will soon make invisible thread a thing of the past for single card animations and haunted deck plots. No more restrictive lighting conditions or broken thread. With...... more info
10. Masterminds (MF Aces) Vol. 3 by Criss Angel - DVD Masterminds (MF Aces) Vol. 3 by Criss Angel - DVD (Only 3 left!)
Was: 25.00 Now: $15.00 - Criss Angel is considered the most influential performer in magic today whether on his worldwide #1 television series Criss Angel MINDFREAK or on stage in his spectacular live show. Criss Angel BeLIEve at the Luxor in Las Vegas. On this DVD, Criss Angel release MF Aces, another amazing routine in...... more info
11. Masterminds (Card Fusion) Vol. 5 by Criss Angel - DVD Masterminds (Card Fusion) Vol. 5 by Criss Angel - DVD (Only 3 left!)
Was: 25.00 Now: $15.00 -   Criss Angel is considered the most influential performer in magic today whether on his worldwide #1 television series Criss Angel MINDFREAK or on stage in his spectacular live show. Criss Angel BeLIEve at the Luxor in Las Vegas. On this DVD, Criss Angel presents a brilliant routine created...... more info
12. Encyclopedia Of Dove Magic by Marian Chavez - Book Encyclopedia Of Dove Magic by Marian Chavez - Book (Only 2 left!)
Was: 29.95 Now: $17.97 - By Marian Chavez. A beautifully produced book about dove magic and all those extra things you need to know: care and feeding of doves, types of cages, presentation pointers, conditioning the audience, etc. Along with many fine dove effects such as The Floating Dove, Dove Tray Production, Egg to...... more info
13. Principles of Mentalism by Richard Osterlind - Book Principles of Mentalism by Richard Osterlind - Book (Only 1 left!)
Was: 25.00 Now: $15.00 - What is it about mentalism that makes it so appealing to audiences and why do so many mentalists fail to understand this attraction? Do audiences really want to see experts and how do pseudo-demonstrations of NLP and psychology destroy the charm of mentalism? How does technology affect mystery and...... more info
14. Genii Magazine - March 2011 - Edwin Dawes Genii Magazine - March 2011 - Edwin Dawes (Only 7 left!)
Was: 6.00 Now: $3.60 - Features Edwin Dawes: How Does He Do it? by Clay Shevlin, Introduction by Ricky Jay Columns Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman Now Performing On the Slant by Jon Racherbaumer The Genii Session The Pat Page Workshop Part II By Roberto Giobbi Fast and Loose Reeling In the Nimrod by Harry Anderson...... more info
15. Genii Magazine - May 2011 - Luis and The Magicians Genii Magazine - May 2011 - Luis and The Magicians (Only 10 left!)
Was: 6.00 Now: $3.60 - Features Luis and The Magicians by David Britland Columns Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman Now Performing On the Slant by Jon Racherbaumer In Memoriam Robert James Albo, MD by Phil Schwartz The Genii Session The Pat Page Workshop III by Roberto Giobbi The Giorgio Letters Cockney Rhyming Slang by...... more info


WANT MORE? To see the other items in our Overstock category, please visit this link and take advantage of all our limited deals:



I got home from work and asked my wife, "What's for dinner?"

She looked up from her phone and said, "Nothing." 

"Nothing?!  We had that last night," I replied. 

"I know," she said.  "I made enough for left overs tonight."


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Slickest Oil and Water Routine Ever


"The Slickest Oil and Water Routine Ever!"

Ultimate Oil and Water

Opposites don't always attract

Even if you're familiar with Oil and Water, I guarantee that you've never seen one quite like this. 


Anthony Owen's Ultimate Oil and Water takes one of the most beautiful effects in magic and distills it down to what makes its special. 

You start with six cards, 3 red and 3 black. You place them down in alternating order: red, black, red, black, red, black, but when you spread the cards, the colors have separated. You place the cards down once more, but still they divide themselves. Finally, you stack the cards face up, clearly showing they are mixed. Within seconds, they have separated again

This is the cleanest version of this classic effect. This makes it perfect for your own interpretations. Best of all, it's virtually self-working, and the set comes with tools to create new gimmicks.



You gotta see THIS Amazing Can Restoration!


I've always had a soft spot for effects that appear to play with time itself. There's something so tantalizing, so impossible, about telling an audience that you can rewind time. 

Rise, by Sean Scott, is one of the most convincing time travel tricks I've ever seen. 


You start with a crushed Red Bull can. You place it on the ground, and give it a mighty stomp. Then, as you lift your foot up, the can begins to refill. The flat aluminum disc is absent, and in its place is a full, unopened can of Red Bull that you can even hand out to drink

Sean prepares you for every possibility with over 90 minutes of instructions, going over different handlings, ideas, and even a signed version of the effect

This is hyper-visual magic done completely with every day objects. This will stay in your spectators' brains far longer than the caffeine rush will.



Don't Flip Your Lid. Lloyd Barnes's Ultimate Nickels to Dimes is Here


A classic reimagined. The right way.

Lately, magic has been shying away from contrived props, and it's easy to see why. Take the "Nickels to Dimes" effect. It's an amazing, fun, easy-to-perform effect, but you need to justify what on earth you've just put the coins into. 

That's why when Lloyd Barnes came to us with an idea for a completely natural Nickels to Dimes routine, we jumped at the opportunity to promote it. 


Disguised as normal soda bottle cap, ProCaps is an instant classic. You get a red cap, a blue cap, and we've replaced the "bang ring" with with the plastic seal on all soda bottles. 

And just for good measure, you get 11 brand-new routines to perform with this generation-defining prop, taught by the incomparable Craig Petty.




After a night of heavy drinking, Brian crept into bed beside his wife who was already asleep. He gave her a peck on the cheek and fell asleep.

When he awoke, he found a strange man standing at the end of his bed wearing a long flowing white robe. "Who the hell are you?" demanded Brian, "and what are you doing in my bedroom?"

The mysterious man answered, "This isn't your bedroom and I'm St. Peter."

Brian was stunned.  "You mean I'm dead!? That can't be; I have so much to live for. I haven't said goodbye to my family and friends. You've got to send me back straight away."

St. Peter replied, "Yes, you can come back to Earth but there is a catch. We can only send you back as a dog or a hen."

Brian was devastated, but knowing there was a farm not far from his house, he asked to be sent back as a hen. A flash of light later, he was covered in feathers and clucking around pecking the ground.

'This isn't so bad' he thought, until he felt this strange feeling welling up inside him.

The farmyard rooster strolled over and said, "'re the new hen. How are you enjoying your first day here?"

"It's not so bad," replies Brian.  "But I have this strange feeling inside of me, like I'm about to explode."

"You’re just ovulating," explained the rooster.  "Don't tell me you've never laid an egg before."

"Never," replies Brian.

"Well just relax and let it happen."

And so he did and after a few uncomfortable seconds later, an egg pops out from under his tail.

An immense feeling of relief swept over him and his emotions got the better of him as he experienced motherhood for the first time.

When he laid his second egg, the feeling of happiness was overwhelming and he knew that coming back to Earth as a hen was the best thing that had ever happened to him!

The joy kept coming and as he was just about to lay his third egg he felt an enormous smack on the back of his head and heard his wife shouting ...

"Brian, wake up you drunken bastard, you're crapping all over the bed!"


Monday, February 10, 2025

Stop the clock in a PHOTOGRAPH! Frozen in Time is IMPOSSIBLE!


"Let's turn back time!"

Frozen In Time

For over 3 decades, Masuda's Frozen in Time has enchanted audiences across the world. A photograph of a watch, sealed in a clear plastic miraculously shows the exact time named by a spectator. It's one of magic's most beautiful impossibilities. 

Our friends at Iarvel Magic have created the best version of this effect that we've ever seen. Allow me to introduce you to Frozen in Time High Tech Version 2. 


This version has all of the bells and whistles we've come to expect from an Iarvel project. Housed in an elegant walnut box, the clock can now be set using the included remote control, your voice, or the Iarvel app.

Both the box and the photograph are completely examinable, so your audience will be left baffled.



Tobias Dostal Melted Our Brains



Tobias Dostal is THE creator to look out for. His unique brand of magic is whimsical, beautiful, and utterly unpredictable.

Liquify defies to be confined into one genre. This reality-bending effect allows its performer to take any solid object, melt it in front of the spectator's eyes, and reform it into a ring. And it looks even more unbelievable than it sounds.


Tobias goes far beyond that base effect, showing you how to do everything from dissolving a tomato to turning a ring into a bouncy ball. This visual masterpiece will be ready to perform at a moment's notice, making it great for an impromptu show or as a staple at your gigs.

If you want to show your audience something completely unique, then look no further.



Perform 10 Killer Effects With this Versatile Tool



Chris Philpott has outdone himself again.

Best known for his ground-breaking 100th Monkey principle, he delivers his most ambitious work yet: an entire readable magazine packed with 10 incredible effects. 

The 100th Monkey is baked directly into these pages, allowing you to remove your audience's ability to read at a moment's notice. But that's only the beginning. This is also a mentalism device that allows your spectators to read each others' minds. It's the best value book test on the market. 


Best of all, it's full of high-quality photos and articles, arranged by a professional graphic designer, perfectly disguising this is a normal travel magazine.




I told my wife I wanted to be cremated.

She made an appointment for next Tuesday.
