Most magicians hear the words "Svengali Deck" and they have fond memories of getting one as a child. However, not many consider using one in a professional environment.
(If you don't know what a Svengali Deck can do, you literally can show that all the cards are different, but still force a single card on a spectator with ease).
Typical Svengali Decks are powerful but LIMITED. You have to handle them a certain way in order to use them. You also cannot let someone look too long at it without noticing the different cut cards.
With the Svengali PRO, it's been completely redesigned with precision, allowing you to easily cut to the forced card BOTH VERTICALLY and HORIZONTALLY.
In other words, no matter which way you cut (from the top or from the sides), you will get to the forced card, 100% of the time.
Not only that......but the way this deck is machine-cut, it's virtually UNDETECTABLE to a normal deck. In other words, you can have it sitting on the table and no one is going to be able to tell that it's a specially deck. That's something you couldn't do with a standard Svengali Deck.
It also comes with online videos that will show you some basic and some advanced tricks you can do with your Svengali Pro deck.
Choose your deck color below:
- RED: https://www.mjmmagic.com/store/svengali-pro-red-p-28680.html
- BLUE: https://www.mjmmagic.com/store/svengali-pro-blue-p-28682.html
I asked my daughter if she'd seen my newspaper.She told me that newspapers are old school. She said that people use tablets nowadays and handed me her iPad.
That fly didn’t stand a chance.