Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Claim your 50% Discount at MJM Magic!

A few days ago, we made a special announcement to our Facebook Followers.   We gave them a heads up before anyone else on a few hundred products on sale at 50% off.

We wanted to reward them for following us, so if you haven't already, please click this link to follow our Facebook page and be notified of all new items and special promotions:

50% OFF ITEMS at MJM MagicAnd now, we are making the announcement to everyone here on our Email Newsletter list!   If you want some killer deals on a TON of products, click this link to see them all:

We are only having the same for the next few days, and once these sell out, they will be removed from the sale.

Be sure to browse through the 5+ pages of items and add them to your next order at half the retail cost!


I just burned 2,000 calories.  That’s the last time I leave cookies in the oven while I nap.

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