Monday, April 29, 2019

"This is a MIRACLE in your Pocket Wherever You Go!" - FREE USA SHIPPING

"An absolute MUST HAVE for any professional performer!"
BIAS PAD by Scott Alexander - Trick BIAS PAD by Scott Alexander - Trick
This is the world's best Add-A-Number Pad!

Three spectators pick three random 6 digit numbers.  They all add up to one prediction, and it perfectly matches what you wrote down ahead of time!

The BIAS PAD is definitely the most silent and deadly weapon in the mentalist's arsenal. This unit is a real joy to use and will last a lifetime.


Scott Alexander has supervised the construction of this compact device to his exact performing specifications. Refilling the pad is a breeze as you simply stick on a new stack of sticky notes when ready. Just peel off the old and stick on the new. It's that simple. This device is slim, trim and fits easily into any pocket and is always ready to go. The best part is that the spectators do all the work for you.

Purchase today and we will begin shipping very soon to MJM customers!



My wife complains that I don't buy her flowers

In all honesty, I didn't even know she sold flowers.

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