Monday, February 15, 2021

"The best Rope Routine you'll ever perform!"


"This is still our favorite rope routine of all time!"

The Vault - Daryl's Rope Routine video DOWNLOAD

If you don't perform any rope magic, then we highly recommend you learn this routine.   The instructional video is almost 40 MINUTES long, and Daryl covers everything you need to know.

Haven't seen his routine yet?  Watch the entire thing here:

It's an entire routine with just rope!  There's so many magical moments packed into it, you could make this an entire show!

And what's even better is that you can perform this live (in front of an audience), or privately over a Zoom video call.   It translates through both mediums the same way!

Treat yourself to this masterclass in rope magic from one of the greatest performers of all time!


Need rope?  If you don't already own rope, we have some great lengths of it right here:



Today I learned that if you're in a canoe and it flips over in the water.... can safely wear it on your head....because it's capsized.


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