Wednesday, February 14, 2024

See these HOT NEW Items from Blackpool 2024!


"A bunch of brand new products from BLACKPOOL to cover - now shipping from MJM Magic!"

With Blackpool at the end of the week, we wanted to provide a list of spectacular products that people will be raving about!

All of these are available RIGHT NOW for purchase!



Color Prediction

This Color Prediction gimmick attaches right to your keys as the easiest every day carry possible.  No complex memorization, its as easy as remembering two numbers!

Imagine asking a spectator to name any two random colors from a set of four Lego bricks. They assemble them in any way they choose. Then, they take the remaining two and place them in the stack 100% freely.

From the start of the trick, you've kept a prediction hidden inside your fist. When revealed, it matches 100% with the stack that the spectator has freely selected.



NEW TODAY - Ancient Chinese Water Bowl by JT

Ancient Chinese Water Bowl

This magical bowl released this morning! The effect is so clean and direct, it looks like real magic!

Magician clearly displays an empty bowl, cover the bowl with a handkerchief, then immediately produce a bowl of water. The water is drinkable!



NEW TODAY - The No Palm EDC Wallet by Matthew Wright

NO Palm EDC Wallet

Ideal for beginners looking for their first "card to wallet" It is an everyday hip style wallet that can be used without the need to palm a card or use any complicated sleights.

As well as the secret loading system, the wallet has space for bills, credit cards and I.D. cards making it the perfect hidden accomplice that is always with you and ready to go.



NEW TODAY - ALTAIR by Handy Altan & Agus Tjiu


A versatile set of coins that creates visual effects from vanishing, transposition, penetration and the limit is your imagination.

Easy to do, live performance and many possibility for those who love to create fast trick video for social media content.



PRESALE - NYX Project by Luca Volpe

NYX Project

A powerful deck designed by Phil Smith features a comprehensive optical marking system. NO memory work needed!

This system is invisible to the audience, but it's easy for you to see, so you can perform your routines with confidence.  Shipping in a couple of days so reserve now!




What do you call a trout that wears a bowtie?



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