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One of the latest things we did on the website is to add a TRANSLATOR feature on the upper left hand side of our page. We have new visitors coming daily to our website, and many don't speak English. So we have added this translator to the page for people who want to see our entire site in their native language.
REVIEW: Royal Scam by John Bannon
I admit, I am a sucker for card magic. Especially packet tricks, which you can easily carry around with you. What I love about Royal Scam is that it has all the great things you'd expect in a hard hitting card trick, but takes up little space.
Then, you explain that while you were doing the "Magic", you were busy "Misdirecting" them. You show that without them even knowing, the backs of the cards have all changed colors. Instead of all being red, they have changed to many different colors! Watch the demo and you will see what I mean.
The final climax is where you show how you "Make Money", by flipping over the best gambling hand known to man, the ROYAL FLUSH!
Oh, and did I mention the best part? It costs you less than $15.00, and it comes with an instructional DVD to boot! Check it out here:
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