Monday, September 11, 2023

"A LIFETIME Automatic Discount on ALL your orders?! NEW FEATURE!"


"This is the BIGGEST ANNOUNCEMENT we have ever made!"

Auto Discount Levels


This is NOT a joke.   We might be more EXCITED about this announcement than ANYTHING we've ever announced.

This is the BIGGEST feature we've EVER added to the MJM Magic website.

In fact, it's so AMAZING, it might just break the way we do business........but here we go!


Depending on how much you spend (and how active you are), we are AUTOMATICALLY giving you DISCOUNT PRICING!


That means RIGHT NOW, if you log into your account, you could ALREADY be saving anywhere from 2.5% all the way up to 10% off ALL YOUR PURCHASES!

(Again, this is such a HUGE CHANGE to our business model, it might just break it!)



When you log into your account. we AUTOMATICALLY check how much you've spent on products over the last 30 days.

Depending on how much you've spent, it will put you into a special AUTO DISCOUNT LEVEL.

You will AUTOMATICALLY qualify to get discounts off your ENTIRE order during the checkout process!

  • No additional fees or charges to take advantage of this.
  • No discount codes to remember.
  • No need to type anything to claim your discount.  Simply log into your account and shop!
  • It will AUTOMATICALLY be applied at checkout (based on your current Discount Level)!

The cost to you: FREE!   There are no membership or subscription charges!

We are literally GIVING YOU this discount as a reward for placing all your magic orders with MJM Magic!

The more you shop and the more active you are (within the last 30 days), the more you will save!



We made this so easy, it's hard to miss.   Just glance up below the MJM Magic banner on our website, and we will list your current discount level (and how much you need to spend to get to the next higher level).

Auto Discount Levels

Note: You must be logged into your customer account to take advantage of the discounts.   If you purchase as a Guest Account, then we don't track those orders, so make sure you always sign into your customer account from now on!


Only if you fall out of the discount range.   Remember, this discount is based on two things:

  1. The amount you spend on products, and
  1. How much spent within the last 30 days.   

So if you make no purchases for 30 days, you will drop back to the bottom of the discount tier.

But if you are making frequent purchases, then you will remain or elevate into higher levels!



As we mentioned, this is a HUGE, GAME-CHANGING feature.   In fact, it's so big that it might just break the way we do business. 

So consider this a TRIAL RUN of the AUTO DISCOUNT LEVELS.  

We are closely monitoring how things go over the next few days.

If we find out that it's not working correctly as intended, then we will have to abruptly stop it.

Also, discounts cannot retroactively apply to any orders placed prior to September 11th, 2023 (even if they're still processing).

But don't our initial testing, it's seems to be working and we are super excited to have created this new feature for YOU!   Take advantage while it's active, in case we change our minds!

Have fun with this, and Contact Us if you have any questions, problems, or just want to shower us with compliments for creating this new feature for you!



Never blame someone else for the road you're on.

That's your own asphalt.


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