Friday, June 14, 2024

[DISCOUNT CODE] "Crazy Sam's SOLVE looks like CGI!"


"Keep reading for a special DISCOUNT code below!"


We have seen a lot of Rubik's Cube magic, but this just might be our favorite.

If you don't yet know who Crazy Sam is, he's been putting out some of the most crazy visual magic in the last few years.

Just look at these other products of his:

And now, he's BLOWING MINDS with a Rubik's Cube that is fooling professional cube magicians!


It looks unbelievably like CGI special effects!

Not only will you receive a Rubik's Cube, but you'll get:

  • Up to 9 solid cube solves
  • 1 hour of detailed explanations
  • Multiple concepts that you can apply to your existing techniques
  • A complete one cube routine

BONUS DISCOUNT CODE!   For the rest of this month, use discount code SOLVE to get an additional 5% off this product!

Simply redeem the SOLVE discount code during checkout!


(Shipping begins next week to all who preorder it right now!  Don't wait and risk them selling out!)



We are always working on improving your shopping experience at MJM Magic.   In addition to giving out Discount Codes (like the 5% off SOLVE code above), we are looking to make your visit on our website easier.

Some customers have complained that they've experienced products "disappearing" from their shopping cart, or spontaneously emptying when they were shopping.

This was due to them not being logged into any account.   Up until now, if you were browsing as a guest or anonymous user, then anything you add in your shopping cart would be removed after 5+ minutes because there was no cart to "save" the items into.   This resulted in people getting frustrated when their cart would suddenly become empty after a predetermined amount of time.


Now, if you're logged into an account or simply browsing as a guest, our system SHOULD (fingers crossed) remember any items you add into your shopping cart up to 30 days.   This is dependant on your web browser accepting cookie files from our website, of course.

If you are logged into your account though, there is no time limit and items will remain in your cart forever, until you either purchase or remove them.

So give it a shot and let us know if you experience any weird behavior (like items not deleting from your cart after purchase, or items not being added when you want to purchase them, or even items randomly disappearing).

Hopefully this solves some of the problems that people have had and makes your shopping experience more enjoyable!



Before starting MJM Magic,  I always wanted to start a company called ,"Thank You for Calling How May I help You."

Then my receptionist would have to answer the phone and say, "Thank you for calling Thank You for Calling How May I Help You, how may I help you?"


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