Monday, February 24, 2025

An Entire Deck Changes Color In Front of Your Eyes!



Strangers Gallery

A color changing deck you have to see to believe

Not long after Zack Morris first picked up his giant cell phone, John Bannon revealed a trick that would become a staple of card magic for decades to come: Strangers Gallery


His color changing deck routine is just as powerful as ever, and now it has the update it deserves.

Strangers Gallery 2.0 features the same basic plot. You pull three prediction cards out of a red-backed deck. Then, your spectator selects a card. Say, the 3 of Clubs. One by one, you reveal the identity of all three of your predictions cards. Each is  the 3 of Clubs

This begs the question, "Why do you have four 3's Clubs in your deck?" The answer is, you don't. Taking each card, you show they must have come from different decks, as their backs change from red to yellow, green, and black. But you end on a bigger mystery, as none of those cards could have come from your deck. You spread the cards revealing none of them match any of the back designs

This new version comes with updated cards, giving the whole effect a premium feeling, as well as brand-new instructions, where you'll learn all the sleights to be able to make this look like real magic.



This Nickel Vanishes Into Thin Air

Vanishing Nickel

This is one fickle nickel

Vanishing Nickel is a deceptively simple piece of visual coin magic. You display a nickel in your hand, close your fist around it, and when you reopen it, the coin has disappeared. You show both sides of your hand, and the nickel still remains elusive. Then, you close your fist once more, and when you open it the coin has returned


There are no complicated moves to master, so you get access to TV-quality magic at any skill level. You won't be limited to performance settings either. Vanishing Nickel plays just as well whether you're in your living room or on stage.



Masterclass in Cube Magic

Cube 3

No gimmicks. No limitations.

Behind cards and coins, Rubik's cubes might be the most popular magic prop. And it's easy to see why. Their perceived difficulty to solve paired with the bright colors make for incredibly visual reveals, and the man who has spent the most time learning their secrets is Steven Brundage

Brundage's cube magic has graced the stage of AGT and fooled Penn and Teller, but now it's coming to you.

Cube 3 is a collection of Steven's 6 most powerful solves, all performed with an ungimmicked cube. 


You can master the Imagination, Toss Up, Behind-the-Back, Bag, Instant, and Color Change solve!

If you've never touched a Rubik's Cube before, you'll start this project with a complete lesson that will prepare you for the amazing magic you'll get to perform. If you're a Rubik's Pro, then this is still the most comprehensive collection of cube magic available.




On hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95 year old grandmother and comfort her.

When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning."

Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that two people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble.

"Oh no, my dear, " replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong."

She paused, wiped away a tear and then continued, "And if that damned ice cream truck hadn't come along, he'd still be alive today!"


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