Friday, February 21, 2025

FREEBIE FRIDAY! X-RAY PEEK by Michel FREE with orders over $60.00!


"The EDC peek for any mentalist!"


It's Friday, and that means we are giving away another FREE ITEM!  #FreebieFriday

PicSpend only $60.00 bucks on ANYTHING on our website and we will automatically throw in X-RAY PEEK by Michel  absolutely free!

Here's what happens:

The spectator writes any secret information on a card. You wrap the card with a sheet of aluminum foil, and you instantly peek at the info. A complete peek right in front of the spectator's eyes! The spectator can even hold the aluminum packet and check that you can't see anything through it! This is X-Ray Peek, a natural, impossible, lab-condition way to secretly peek at any information. Say farewell to your traditional peek wallet; this is flat, lightweight, innocent looking and very deceptive. The ideal EDC peek for any mentalist!



That means it only goes to the next 12 qualifying customers!   After that, the freebie won't be included.  

(So if you place an order and don't see the freebie automatically included, then sorry, that means you missed out.)

As always, we ask that only one freebie goes to one customer (so placing multiple orders will only get you one).   That way, we share the love and make sure everyone has a chance to get one from the supply.

This cannot apply to any orders placed prior to Friday February 21st.


Is This the Best $10 Card Trick Ever?

Australian Aces

Thunder from Down Under!!

Who doesn't love a monte routine? These devious packet tricks can be carried with you anywhere, are super visual, and can be learned in minutes. We joined forces with Nick Trost to deliver the ultimate monte experience. This is Australian Aces

You start with four Aces: three Aces of Diamonds and one Ace of Clubs. The spectator wins if they can follow the black Ace. You take one Ace of Diamonds, and set it face down on the table. Giving the rest of that packet a shuffle, you ask them to determine which is the Club. No matter which of the three they pick, they'll be wrong as it has now switched place with the Ace of Diamonds you set down! 

You repeat the effect, this time with slow deliberate moves, and again the card teleports to the table

Finally, you repeat the routine one more time. This time, they point to the card on the table as the black Ace, except this time, it's the only red Ace left! All the cards in your hands have turned into Aces of Clubs!


Australian Aces builds on standard monte routines and adds an amazing visual ending. Oh, and did we mention it's only $10? This is the best value in card magic by a landslide!




A wife says to her husband, "If I died in a foreign city, say, Jerusalem, and it cost $30,000 to send me back home or $500 to bury me there, which would you choose?”

The husband replies, “I'd pay the $30,000 to ship you back.”

The wife, happy but surprised with his answer, asks, "Really? Why would you choose $30,000 over $500?”

The husband explains, “Because two thousand years ago in Jerusalem, a man died and rose from the dead 3 days later. I can’t take that chance.”


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