Wednesday, February 26, 2025

LOW STOCK ALERT: Atomic Deck by Craig Petty


"The best ACAAN of our lifetime!"

Atomic Deck

Atomic Deck Exploded Into the World

It's been less than a week since we began shipping, Craig Petty's Atomic Deck to the world, and the response from you all has been overwhelming. 

Six days into its life, we now have less than 10% of our initial stock left! First and foremost, thank you! 

A spectator can think of ANY CARD, and ANY NUMBER, and without shuffling, and without sleight of hand, you deal down EXACTLY to their card at their number!  Instantly repeatable!


Given the popularity of this effect, we wanted to keep you as informed as possible. We're almost certainly going to sell out within the next few weeks.   We anticipate selling out very soon. After that, we have a minimum restock time of three months, but it will likely be closer to four

That means if you don't get it while we have it, you may not get a chance until closer to summer.

If you have yet to stock up on this year's biggest trick, then now is absolutely the right time. Click the link below to secure your units before they're all gone!



Daryl Presents a Spotless Dice Trick

Dicey Dots

These dots won't stay still

Paddle tricks are simultaneously some of the easiest and some of the most baffling effects in magic. Unless you're willing to spend money on an expensive gimmick, you never get to end clean. Unless, that is, you pick up Dicey Dots. 

Leave it to Daryl to figure out an organic plot for a paddle trick, where you get to visually change two items! 

You start with a white plastic stick and a normal die. The stick, or "spot remover" is blank on all sides. You give the die to a spectator and have them close their hand around it. You wave the spot remover above their hand and suddenly, 21 black spots appear on it. Your spectator opens their hand to reveal that those were the same 21 spots from the die, as they are now holding a blank white cube. Then, everything can be handed out for inspection. 


Daryl's boundless innovation and top-notch instruction push what could be a one-note effect into the upper echelon. Beginner or advanced alike, you're sure to have a blast showing off Dicey Dots

At only $15.00, this is a surefire winner that you'll carry in your pocket at all times!



Spidey Takes You to Class with this Mentalist's Dream Come True


It's as easy as... well, you get it.

After years of using a standard deck of cards to perform feats of mentalism, Spidey got tired of using a tool that was better suited for magicians. He needed something that could establish an emotional connection, giving him more to read from his spectators. For the solution, he went all the way back to kindergarten. 

A.B.See is a deck of flash cards, equally suitable for teaching children the alphabet as it is blowing the minds of your spectators. No matter which card a spectator selects, you will always know. And the childlike theming gives you a perfect starting point. Choosing a club instead of a diamond tells you a lot less about a person than choosing a horse over a volcano does. The latter gives the mentalist a lot more to work with.


Once you've divined their chosen card, you can then reveal it in any way you see fit. But, with over 2 hours of instructions, Spidey makes sure that you have some jumping off points. Whether you prefer to do a cold reading, a drawing duplication, or anything else, A.B.See is right for you! 




A Chinese doctor can't find a job in a U.S. Hospital, so he opens his own clinic and puts a sign outside that says: 'GET TREATMENT FOR $20 - IF NOT CURED, GET BACK $100.'

An American lawyer thinks this is a great opportunity to earn $100 and goes to the clinic.

Lawyer: "I have lost my sense of taste."

Doctor: "Nurse, bring medicine from box number 22 and put 3 drops in patient's mouth."

Lawyer (after taking the drops): "Ugh. This isn't's kerosene!"

Doctor: "Congrats, your sense of taste is restored. You owe me $20."  

Knowing that the doctor was technically correct, the lawyer reluctantly paid him and left feeling dejected.

A few days later, the annoyed lawyer goes back to try and recover his money.

Lawyer: "Hey Doc, I think I've lost my memory. I cannot remember anything."

Doctor: "Nurse, bring medicine from box number 22 and put 3 drops in his mouth."

Lawyer (feeling confident): "Ah HA!   Nice try, Doc.......that is kerosene. You gave this to me last time for restoring my taste!"

Doctor: "Congratulations. You got your memory back. That will be $20."

The fuming lawyer cannot believe it, but reluctantly pays him.    He then comes back a week later determined to get back $100.

Lawyer: "Hey Doc.....My eyesight has become very weak.   I can't see at all."

Doctor: "Well, I don't have any medicine for that, so take this $100."

Lawyer (staring at the banknote): "But this is a $20 bill, not $100!!"

Doctor: "Congrats, your eyesight is restored. Give me $20."


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