A foam rock is placed on a tray and is seen to lift off of the tray and levitate (about 1”in place). The tray is then moved and does not upset the levitation of the rock. Ingenious little trick that covers all the angles. No zombies, wires or threads, just magic.
Watch it dance in mid-air! This amazing handkerchief will jump around in your hands and fly through the air, completely under your control. No threads are used in this trick, and it is extremely easy to do. The original item by Dusheck – together with many unauthorized copies of this effect has been a continuous best seller at magic shops around the world. You’ll have the handkerchief dancing in no time.
The magician displays a small plastic box and explains that a ghost lives inside. He slides open the drawer and shows the box to be empty. As soon as the box is closed, it suddenly starts to move atop the magician’s outstretched hand, and even stands up without any visible support. Finally, the box opens all by itself, and a message from the ghost magically appears inside the previously empty drawer!
Since the invention of the fantastic Zig Zag Lady Illusion, people have been fascinated with the idea of cutting someone into thirds and restoring them. Now you can carry this pocket size version with you at all times. A normal cigarette is placed into the chamber, chopped into 3 pieces and fully restored.
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