Thursday, April 15, 2021

"The very best overhand false shuffle in the world!" - Download Today!


"The very best natural, in the hands, overhand false shuffle in the world!" - Bro Gilbert

The Vault - The Combination Shuffle by Ben Earl video DOWNLOAD

I'm just going to say it - without a good FALSE SHUFFLE, you are going to severely limit yourself as a magician.

Many false shuffles require you to use a table, or to riffle shuffle.........but CHECK THIS OUT:

It's an OVERHAND shuffle, done in the hands, and you will find it HARD TO BELIEVE that no cards are out of place!   Watch it over and over and you will be fooled!

When you need to control a card and make it appear as though you're mixing up the deck, the Combination Shuffle is the perfect convincer that the deck is being mixed up (when in reality, it's not)!

Download and learn the Combination Shuffle today -

NOTE: What we love about a good false shuffle is that it's almost like a trick all by itself!   You could literally take a new order deck, perform the Combination Shuffle, and then snap your fingers to reveal the deck has remained in the same new deck order!



Me: "You know, since it doesn't have a tail, I'm pretty sure it is actually a hamster."

I.T. Guy: "Okay sir. Please right-click your hamster, and save the file."


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