SPECIAL 40% OFF PRICE: only $14.95!!!
A lot of magic tricks these days are one-trick releases. They usually involve gimmicks and minimal skills.
Don't get me wrong, that is FINE. However, if you really want to be a great MAGICIAN, then you need to learn SKILLS and SLEIGHTS that set you apart from the pack.
This is why we think you'll love COOL CATS! It's a masterclass DVD which teaches you all kinds of valuable sleight of hand that opens a million possibilities for you.
Make Sharpie pens disappear, change coins into cards, produce cards from thin air, and so much more.
Watch the Demo: https://www.mjmmagic.com/store/cool-cats-by-matthew-wright-and-toby-davies-trick-p-26257.html
All of that for only $14.95!!
Remember, gimmick magic is fine, but learning these kinds of sleights is going to put you on a whole other level. And at this 40% off price, you can't afford to let it pass you by!
This item is normally $25.00, but we are offering it here for only
$14.95. The price will go back up to normal price after this
weekend. We cannot extend this special offer past Sunday. Sorry, no
exceptions......so pick this up today!
-----------------------------------------JUST FOR LAUGHS:
Why did the jalapeno wear a tiny jacket?Because he was just a little chili.
Brandi and I met back in 1998 while we both worked at Target. I was 23, she was 18, and I had the biggest crush on her! Of course, back then, she had a boyfriend and I was "just the friend" who was destined to always be "the friend".But, unbeknownst to her, I had a plan. It was Operation 'Hang Around Long Enough Until She Finally Realizes That I'm Better Than Her Boyfriend.'
This is closely related to a similar Operation called: 'Unobtrusively Stalk The Person Without Being Creepy.'
At first, it was a massive failure. She eventually broke up with her boyfriend, but I was still "the friend." But after a few months of slowing chipping away at her defensive wall, she realized what I always known: that we were meant to be together!
In fact, the Operation was such a success that SHE was the one who asked ME out! And who says 'reverse psychology' isn't a real thing!!
We've now been together for 20 years, married for 16, and have two daughters together.
Maybe one of these days, we will somehow be able to get away from MJM Magic long enough to have an actual vacation! More on that in future newsletters!
- Jeff
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