Want to know a secret? Normally when we see new items come out, we purchase a batch to stock on our shelves. When we saw THIS TRICK here, we purchased THREE TIMES the normal amount!
Check out Stasis and you'll see why!
If it looks familiar, that's because it has a similar presentation to "Balance by Joshua Jay", which is a separate trick that sells for $250! But this is a small scale version that allows you to impossibly balance objects on each other for a fraction of the cost!
You can balance borrowed objects one on top of another, and then collapse it on demand!
- Perfect for strolling, parlor, or restaurant performers
- Can be carried with you in your wallet or deck of cards
- Durable gimmick and easy to use
DON'T FORGET: This is a preorder item that will be shipping in a few business days, but don't let that stop you from purchasing it right now.
We send out all the preorders first, and those who wait will have to
hope that there's remaining inventory left. If these preorder units
sell out, we don't know when more will be available for everyone who
decided to wait.
LINK: https://www.mjmmagic.com/store/stasis-gimmicks-and-online-instructions-by-jambor-trick-p-29891.html---------------------------------------------
There are two reasons why you shouldn't drink toilet water.Number 1
Number 2
A few days ago, I mentioned how I recently uncovered an online multiplayer GAME that I was designing back in 2009. and I began to resurrect it! That process of re-familiarizing myself with it is still coming along, and I hope to be able to share it with some of you guys soon.If anyone is interested in help BETA TEST it, send me a message. It's completely free to play, and I'd be looking for any FEEDBACK and bug reporting that you come across.
It's still in it's early stages of design, and definitely NOT a finished game.....but if you want to be a part of the beta testers, I'll put you on the list to access the game soon.
- Jeff
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